Depression has taken over your life and you don’t feel like yourself.

Your motivation is lacking and life feels dysfunctional. It’s like you are looking at life through hazy glasses. The haze created by depression affects everything. Your relationships, your career, and your activities. It used to be that you enjoyed your life. It was vibrant in color and now it’s just dull.

You’ve tried talking to friends, you’ve told your doctor, and every suggestion to feel better becomes another item on a checklist that you never get to because you just don’t have the energy. You worry that this is how it is going to be. “Maybe this is just who I am now.”

Yet, you find yourself here, looking to see if just maybe someone will truly understand and know how to help. We don’t believe you are your depression. The truth is, they aren’t who you are. Through evidenced-based tools and interventions, extensive training in working with depression, our team of therapists can help.

It is never too late to change your life.

If you want to find a counselor who will help, click below to be connected to a counselor who can help.