Can Thoughts Affect An Eating Disorder?

Eating disorders are complicated afflictions, involving a web of triggers, negative thoughts, and downward spirals.

Thoughts not only affect eating disorders, they can be intrinsic in WHY the eating disorder started in the first place. This understanding may feel depressing…but it’s also good news, because if thoughts were involved at the beginning and now, they can also be retrained to work FOR you instead of against you.

We all suffer from negative thoughts at times, maybe even often. However, the difference with someone who suffers from an eating disorder is that these thoughts have created a particularly complex thought matrix that results in compulsive behaviors towards eating.

Low self-worth, early trauma, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, peer pressure, societal pressure, and negative body image can all be involved in this web of thoughts. And once they become entrenched, they can be difficult to break free from.

Sometimes, a sufferer of an eating disorder may not even WANT to stop these thoughts because they lead to the compulsions that make them feel better - at least, temporarily.

Recognizing that these compulsions are negatively impacting your life and relationships is often the first step to getting help.

Thoughts CAN be retrained. It takes time, effort, and expert guidance, but you CAN make a difference and improve your life.

A therapist who specializes in treating eating disorders can guide you on this journey towards mental and physical wellness.

If you are in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley, Salt Lake City, Provo, or Orem, Inside Wellness can help you. Our team of warm, empathetic therapists are highly trained in treating eating disorders, and we want to help you.

Reach out for help today - schedule a call with our warm Care Coordinator, who will help you find your ideal therapist match.