
How To Keep Halloween from Haunting Your Eating Disorder Recovery

Halloween themed pumpkins and bats representing the Halloween season and the difficulty it can pose for people struggling with an eating disorder. Break free of the struggles with eating disorder therapy in Utah and learn to enjoy the moment again.

Halloween and Eating Disorders Can be Tricky

Kids and grownups alike get excited about the costumes, the candy, and all of the festivities that come with Halloween.

But for anyone struggling with recovering from diet culture, or recovering from an eating disorder, food-based holidays like Halloween can bring struggles all of their own.

While other people enjoy the fun and festivities of the Holiday season, these same celebrations can make you feel overwhelmed, anxious, and in a panic. Don’t let the panic win! At Inside Wellness we understand the struggle people with eating disorders face during the holiday season and our skilled team of therapists is here to help you navigate these challenges!

Eating Disorders and Negative Thoughts

For years you were told by others or your eating disorder that certain foods were unsafe or to be avoided altogether. And if that was impossible, then only eat in small amounts, which means they will be wrapped in a heavy dose of guilt and shame. You want to just show up on Halloween and enjoy the party, but your head is swirling with negative chatter of judgment from yourself or others.

Establishing a Balanced Approach

Is there a way you can establish a more balanced approach to food connected to the Holiday season? Is it really possible for you to not emotionally spin out in fear & shame? Can you really show up at the party, or buy the candy and actually enjoy it without fearing the need to restrict or compensate for the festivities? The answer is YES!!

Buffet of Halloween themed foods and snacks. Don't fear the holiday seasons. Learn to enjoy the moments and the food with eating disorder therapy in Utah.

Here are a few tips to help you make Halloween fun again:

  • One day, one week, or one holiday (even if extended over time), cannot make or break your health, body shape, or size

  • Holidays and the associated food are intended to be a source of enjoyment and connection, so take the risk and enjoy the moment

  • Kick the food and morality police to the curb, they do nothing more than kill you joy & wreak havoc in your brain

  • Set boundaries with others who engage in guilt or shame talk about holidays. If that’s not your style or you’ve tried that and it wasn’t well received, remind yourself that what they say is their fears (or misinformation), but it does not have to be yours.

  • Trust all bodies. Our bodies know what they need, and when they feel satisfied. So if that's a piece of candy or so many pieces of candy that you've lost count, that’s okay too. Your body can handle what each holiday has to offer.

A bowl of Halloween candy sits on a table representing the pitfalls of food based holiday seasons. There is hope this Halloween, learn to enjoy food again with eating disorder therapy in Utah this holiday season.

Navigating Holidays With an Eating Disorder, There is Hope

Always remember that holidays can be tricky, pun intended. The hope is that with each holiday, and each year, you will find more ease & self-compassion woven into each holiday season.

Begin Eating Disorder Therapy in Utah

Are you struggling with chaotic eating patterns? Eating Disorder Treatment in at Inside Wellness in Utah can help break the cycle of chaos and help you find peace in your relationship with food. Our counselors are highly-skilled and experienced professionals who can help you get the treatment you need to regain control of your life.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and our therapists.

  3. Get set up with an anxiety therapist who is right for you!

Additional Mental Health Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Here at Inside Wellness, we provide a variety of online counseling services including counseling for body image, self-esteem, eating disorders, and anxiety. Learn more about the specific services we offer below.

Embracing Imperfections

The Desire For Perfection

The desire to be and appear perfect is increasingly common, especially in Western culture.  It might be a desire for the perfect family, the perfect job, the perfect body, the perfect skin, the perfect makeup, the perfect clothes, the perfect house, the perfect marriage, and the perfect personality. Our Therapists at Inside Wellness in Utah understand these pressures and are here to help you overcome the desire for perfectionism.

African American woman standing with her arms crossed representing the strain striving for perfectionism creates. If you are struggling with the desire to be perfect in all things, therapy for perfectionism in Utah can help you break this toxic cycle

Perfectionism Does Not Equal Happiness

You may tell yourself that if you could just be more perfect, you’d be happier, better liked or respected, or accepted. That your life would just be better.

The pursuit of perfection, however, has been proven to lead to anything but the above. It adds an enormous amount of anxiety and pressure to lives that our already stressful and demanding. 

It is possible to accept and love yourself for being imperfect. Which, let’s face it, all of us are. And even if - by some miracle - you manage to convince others that you are perfect in some way, that belief is almost never reflected internally. You can appear perfect to others, and feel anything but perfect inside.

Society’s Push for Comparison

Our society seems to thrive on comparing ourselves to others. Whether it’s celebrities, social media, colleagues, or friends, we are actively encouraged to compare ourselves to others multiple times a day. Often, you don’t even realize you’re doing it. And usually, you find yourself lacking in some way.

Maybe your accomplishments or skills may never seem to you to be as noteworthy as others. Or you constantly see your body or your skin’s imperfections and resent them. You love all the times your marriage is going great…and then hate it when a challenge arises.

If you’re aiming for perfection, nothing will ever satisfy your expectations of yourself. But admitting that you are not perfect can feel like you’re giving up.

Woman sitting on rocks next to a river representing the journey to self-acceptance and understanding obtained with Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah. Learn more here.

Acceptance of Self Through Therapy for Perfectionism

The reality, however, is that accepting and even embracing your imperfections does not mean you’re complacent or that you’ve given up. You have dreams, hopes, and goals outside of your desire for perfection - these dreams are the same whether you accept you’re imperfect or not.

Accepting your imperfections actually frees you to devote more time and energy to the pursuit of these dreams, without the pressure and anxiety or having the outcome tied to your feelings of self-worth.

How Can You Accept and Even Learn to Appreciate Your Imperfections?

The first step is to identify in which areas of your life you’re trying to appear or be perfect.

Once you’ve identified those, write them down. Think about why you want to appear perfect so much. Is it pressure from society or your culture? Do you fear being rejected or abandoned if you don’t at least appear perfect in this area? Are your feelings of self-worth somehow tied to this desire for perfection?

This internal conversation may be uncomfortable. After all, your answers can reflect foundational beliefs that you’ve based your life around. However, just because you’ve been taught to believe a certain perspective is true, doesn’t automatically mean that it is true or that it’s right for you. 

Challenge your negative beliefs.

Look at them from different perspectives. Ask yourself, ‘If a dear friend was telling me this, what would I say to them?’ And remember, the act of challenging your beliefs doesn’t mean you also have to change those beliefs; you’re simply choosing to look at them from another perspective.

Something that can really help in identifying and challenging your beliefs about perfection is talking to a therapist who specializes in perfectionism. Reaching out for support takes courage, but it can be the tipping point that helps you regain control of your inner peace and balance.

Peaceful woman standing with her arms outstretched representing successfully overcoming the desire to strive for perfection with the help of Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah. Learn more here.

Begin Online Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah

Carrying the weight of the drive for perfectionism can be mentally exhausting and lead to an unfulfilled, unhappy existence. At Inside Wellness, our team of skilled therapists is here to help You overcome this unachievable desire to be perfect in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. You ARE worth it! Follow the steps below to get started.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

How Self-Compassion Helps Your Mental Health`

Self-compassion or self-care are buzzwords we’ve been hearing a lot of over the past couple of years. 

Too Much Too Fast Is Detrimental To Mental Health Self-Care

From the pandemic to social upheaval to economic upheaval to political unrest, we’re all feeling the strain of too much happening too fast. At Inside Wellness our team of therapists understands the challenges we all face in today’s uncertain world.

What is Self-Compassion?

But what exactly is self-compassion? What does self-compassion look like in practice? And what benefits might you see to your mental health by integrating self-compassion into your life?

Compassionate acts towards others generally start by thinking about what they might be feeling right now and what small acts of kindness might help them feel a little better. Self-compassion is no different.

Woman practicing mental health self-care by reading a book and having a cup of tea. Inside Wellness in Utah can helop you create your own mentla health self-care routine. Learn more here.

Getting Lost in Daily Routines

Our society has a tendency to get lost in our daily routines, rarely (if ever) pausing to check in with ourselves to ask how we’re feeling and what could help us feel less stressed/anxious/overwhelmed/drained/exhausted. This never-ending hamster wheel of exertion can lead to burnout, strained relationships, and mental distress.

Transformational Mental Health Self-Care

Even small acts of self-compassion can make a radical difference to our mental health - bringing lower levels of related depression and anxiety. Getting into the habit of practicing small acts of self-compassion regularly can become transformational, helping you relax, feel in control of your life, be appreciated, and be energized again.

Start Small with Mental Health Self-Care

You may be feeling exhausted at just the thought of adding something to your already overwhelming routine - but this is a small thing you’re choosing to do just for you. 

Pick one or two things that really appeal to you from the following list of suggestions and set a day and time (soon!) to try them. The good results you’ll see from these small acts will motivate you to try it again…and again…until before you know it, you’re in a routine of practicing self-compassion and feeling increasingly more alive as a result.

Peaceful woman sitting on the floor practicing mental health self-care through meditation and mindfulness. Online therapy in Utah can help guide you toward positive mental health self-care. Learn more here.

Some Self-Compassion Suggestions & Ideas:

  • Close your eyes and take five deep breaths.

  • Give yourself context for what is happening that leading to your challenging feelings

  • Apply with the “best friend test”, meaning if your friend just told you what happened or how they were feeling, what you would you honestly say back to them? Hint, it is usually more kind than what you are saying to yourself

  • Remind yourself that what goes up comes back down, emotions come and emotions go

  • Give yourself some encouragement. You’re doing your best!

  • Practice mindfulness - do some yoga or just sit and listen to your breath.

  • Do something soothing to your nervous system- put on soothing music, grab a cozy blanket, or watch the sunset

The above suggestions are by no means revolutionary, and this is not an exhaustive list. They are simple ideas based on things YOU enjoy that make YOU feel good. Pick one thing that sounds good to you from the list, or try something different that isn’t on the list. 

Create Your Own Mental Health Self-Care List

Make your own list! Having a list of small activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good can be very handy when you’re feeling overwhelmed and want to take five minutes to practice self-compassion…but can’t think of what to do.

Self-compassion may feel like a luxury, but it’s really a necessity for a calm mind and heart.

If you’re still struggling to regain your inner peace and perspective, it might be time to give the experts at Inside Wellness Counseling in Utah a call. 

Schedule your private consultation now with our care coordinator. Simply click here to choose the day and time that work for you.

Young Hispanic woman embracing herseslf representing someone who is practicing self-compassion. Inside Wellness in Utah can help you understand and implement mental health self-care into your daily routine. Learn more here.

Begin Online Therapy for Mental Health Self-Care in Utah

Practicing mental health self-care can help you regain peace and balance in your life. At Inside Wellness, our team of skilled therapists is here to help guide you on this journey with online therapy services geared toward mindfulness and self-esteem. You ARE worth it! Follow the steps below to get started.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

School Performance Anxiety: 3 Tips For Setting Realistic Goals

Student sitting on the stairs struggling with overwhelming performance anxiety. Setting unrealistic goals for perfection can lead to performance anxiety and negatively impacts mental health. Therapy for anxiety in Utah can help you! Learn more here.

Anxiety, when does it become unhealthy for our mental health?

To a certain extent, anxiety is a normal part of life. It helps us focus, motivates us to meet deadlines, and helps us to do our best.

But anxiety can become unhealthy when it never goes away, and starts to affect your daily life, thoughts, emotional and mental health.

Add in the element of school and a natural desire to perform well, and you’ve got yourself all the ingredients of a brewing mental health disaster. At Inside Wellness our team of therapists understands these issues and are here to help.

Performance Anxiety, A Common Problem

Performance anxiety is very common among students. Even your classmates who seem to be happy all the time, always have their schoolwork in on time, grade well, and are liked by others are more than likely battling chronic anxiety too.

So how can you balance the healthy anxiety that will help you get things done and done well, with the unhealthy anxiety that can paralyze and break you down?

Female student struggling with unrealistic expectations and performance anxiety. Performance anxiety can lead to increased levels of anxiety and stress. Learn to cope with these feelings with therapy for anxiety in Utah. Read more here.

Setting Achievable Goals to Combat Anxiety

Achievable goals are a vital part of the equation. If you’re setting massive goals for yourself, like I must finish ahead of my classmates and with honors, even if you somehow reach that goal, you are going to feel miserably anxious the whole way there.

If you can identify and work towards smaller, achievable goals along the way, you’re more likely to feel calmer, less anxious, and do your best work. Win-win, right?!

Here are three simple tips for helping you set realistic goals with your schooling:

1 - Practice Good Study Habits

Cramming at the last second may seem tempting, but it will leave you in a chronic state of heightened awareness and anxiety. Even though you’re choosing to wait until the last minute to study, your mind and body keep track of the time in the back of your mind.

Get it done right away, early, and as soon as you can. Then you will actually be able to switch off and enjoy the time you have left.

2- Attend to Your Body’s Basic Needs

Let’s face it, college is busy and often the first thing to go to is solid sleep & taking time to eat in a way that helps your body help you. We work with lots of dieticians and nothing can replace our body’s need for 3 meals and a few snacks each day. Staying hydrated & getting up for stretching breaks during study sessions will also help you body help you.

3 - Learn Relaxation Techniques That Work For YOU

Not all relaxation techniques work for everyone. And maybe it isn’t something structured like yoga or meditation. Maybe for you just sitting on the grass in a park and daydreaming helps you relax. Maybe it’s a bath with bubbles. Or settling down with a good (non-school) book.

Teaching your body how to relax regularly will enable it to cope better when it is under stress.

Another tip that can really help you cope with the anxiety and stress inherent in schooling is talking to a compassionate, trained counselor.

At Inside Wellness Counseling in the sunny Utah Valley, our team of experienced counselors all have one objective: to help you live your best life, cope with stress and reach your mental health goals.

Students studying together and supporting each other. With the right tools, performance anxiety can be overcome. Learn to set realistic goals for yourself with therapy for students in Utah.

Begin Therapy Performance Anxiety in Utah

Are you looking for therapy for students dealing with performance anxiety in Utah? We are happy to say that you've come to the right place. You don’t have to continue struggling with your anxiety. At Inside Wellness, our counselors are highly-skilled and experienced professionals who can help you get the treatment you need to regain control of your life.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and our anxiety therapists.

  3. Get set up with an anxiety therapist who is right for you!

Additional Mental Health Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Here at Inside Wellness, we provide a variety of online counseling services including counseling for body image, self-esteem, eating disorders, and anxiety. Learn more about the specific services we offer below.

5 Benefits of Anxiety Counseling In The New Academic Year

It’s the start of another academic year! University of Utah, BYU, Utah Tech, and many more schools, colleges, and universities in the Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley are gearing up for another year of training.

Do you feel a flurry of mixed emotions? You may feel nervous, excited, overwhelmed, motivated, tired, or anxious. These are all completely normal feelings to have.

Anxiety about keeping up with tasks and homework, achieving good grades, making friends, being seen as cool, and keeping family happy can all take their toll on the mind and heart.

One of the best things you can do to proactively help your anxiety is to find a compassionate counselor who truly understands what you’re going through.

Knowing you’re not alone in your feelings can be helpful, but it’s often not enough to alleviate your anxiety completely. It can be scary to talk to your peers and be vulnerable with them about what you’re feeling! How will they react? Will they view you differently? Will they laugh at you?

A trained counselor can help you navigate all the emotions that come with going back to school, including how to deal with people and how to feel good about yourself with or without their good opinion.

These ideals may feel wildly out of your reach at the moment. But a compassionate therapist is just a bit taller than you, thanks to their training and experience, so they can help you pull down those higher branches and reach the goals you’d love to achieve.

Inside Wellness in sunny Utah Valley is close to all the major schools and universities in Northern Utah. Our caring therapists specialize in helping students navigate the challenges of school.

This includes students staying in the US from another country to go to school here. You are very welcome! We want to support you as you go through this journey and help you reach your goals.

Our mission is not just to help you make it through your schooling; we want to help you come out the other side a stronger, more confident person, who feels good about themself and what they’ve accomplished.

If this sounds like something you’d like to explore, schedule a call with our gentle Care Coordinator today. She will listen to your challenges and goals and help match you with a therapist who will truly be able to support you.

Going back to school may feel scary and lonely, but you don’t need to stay feeling that way! Reach out for help from Inside Wellness Counseling today. It may be one of the best investments in your future you ever make!

How To Help If Your Brother Has An Eating Disorder

Brothers are the best. But seeing yours suffering from an eating disorder can feel like it’s eating you alive.

Anxiety and depression are on the rampage today as never before. Sometimes, even a seemingly small event can trigger a change in a person that leads them down the path of an eating disorder.

If you see your brother suffering from an eating disorder, what can you do?

A hand extends in support to a teen sitting against a tree. This could represent the support eating disorder treatment in Provo, UT can offer. Contact an eating disorder therapist to learn more about eating disorder help or search “eating disorder tr

Firstly, don’t panic and don’t pressure him. This is one time when you really don’t want to sound like a nagging brother or sister. Your brother needs to know and feel that you have his back and really want to help him.

Real support is not enabling. It involves you setting aside your own feelings and agenda, helping your brother feel safe, and reassuring him that you love him and will not leave him.

An eating disorder can be a lonely experience.

Sufferers are often misunderstood. It can be scary for them to feel like the compulsive behavior that makes them feel ‘better’ is going to be taken away from them. This can actually lead to the worsening of symptoms.

So don’t try to bulldoze your brother into doing what you think will help him. Do the research and share it with him at a good time for HIM.

A close up of a plate with a scale window in the middle. This could represent the focus on dieting that an eating disorder therapist can help you address. Learn more about eating disorder treatment in Provo, UT by searching “eating disorder help” or

Maybe find some local therapy practices that specialize in treating eating disorders and share those with him too. Keep reassuring him that you love him, that you want to help him, and that you will never give up trying to help him.

It’s important that you know that there real help is available, and it does work. Your brother can get better. But the decision to work towards wellness can only come from him - forcing someone to go to therapy may be a waste of time if they are not choosing for themselves to pursue treatment.

It’s also important to find a therapist who specializes in treating eating disorders.

They will be best able to support and guide your brother on his journey towards mental and physical wellness IF he chooses it.

Inside Wellness are a team of mental health professionals who specialize in treating eating disorders. We care for individuals in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley, Salt Lake City, Provo, Orem, the University of Utah, BYU, and beyond.

A person gestures while speaking to a person sitting across from them. This could represent the support eating disorder treatment in Provo, UT can help you overcome. Learn more about eating disorder help by contacting an eating disorder therapist tod

Our team of warm, empathetic therapists are highly trained in treating eating disorders and will work alongside your brother on his journey toward mental health and wholeness.

The choice must come from your brother. Encourage him to reach out for help. Don’t give up on your brother or get angry with him. Support him and gently help him choose to get the support he needs.

Begin Eating Disorder Treatment in Provo, UT

Finding the right support can make all the difference in your recovery journey. Our team of caring therapists would be happy to offer support from our Provo, UT-based therapy practice. You can start your therapy journey with Inside Wellness by following these simple steps:

  1. schedule a call with our experienced Care Coordinator to find the best fit

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start overcoming eating disorders!

Other Services Offered With Inside Wellness

Our team understands you may experience a number of mental health concerns in addition to eating disorder treatment. This is why we are happy to offer support with a variety of mental health services. Other services offered include body image counseling, anxiety therapy, EMDR Therapy, and online Therapy in Utah. Feel free to visit our blog or FAQ to learn more helpful information!

How To Help If Your Sister Has An Eating Disorder

Seeing someone you love suffering is never easy. It can be particularly hard when it’s your sister.

A close up of a person holding their loved one. This could represent the support eating disorder treatment in Provo, UT can offer. learn more about eating disorder help and the support therapists in Provo Utah can offer.

Anxiety and depression are increasingly common in our crazy world, but unexpected events, even seemingly small ones, can trigger a change in a person that leads them down the path of an eating disorder.

If you see your sister suffering from a diagnosed eating disorder, or what you think might be an eating disorder, what can you do?

Firstly, don’t panic and don’t pressure her to get help. She needs to know and feel that you really care for her and want what’s best for her.

Real support is not enabling. It involves you setting aside your own feelings and agenda, really listening, and reassuring your sister that you love her.

An eating disorder can be a lonely experience.

A girl sits alone while looking out at the shore. Learn how therapists in Provo Utah can help you overcome the isolation of eating disorders with eating disorder help. Search therapist provo to learn more about eating disorder treatment in Provo, UT

Sufferers are often misunderstood. It can be scary for them to feel like the compulsive behavior that makes them feel ‘better’ is going to be taken away from them. This can actually lead to a worsening of symptoms.

So don’t try to scare or force your sister into doing what you think will help her. Do research, share it with her at a good time for HER, and maybe find some local therapy practices that specialize in treating eating disorders, and share those with her too. Keep reassuring her that you love her, that you want to help her, and that you will never give up on her.

It’s important that you know that there IS help available, and it does work.

Your sister can get better. But the decision to work towards wellness can only come from inside her - forcing someone to go to therapy can not be as effective as when they choose to engage in treatment for themselves.

A woman smiles while sitting across from a person with a clipboard. Learn how this could represent the support that eating disorder help can offer by contacting therapists in Provo Utah. Learn more about eating disorder treatment in Provo, UT today t

A therapist who specializes in treating eating disorders will be able to support and guide your sister on her journey towards mental and physical wellness IF she chooses it. And choosing recovery is very terrifying for the person who is struggling even though it may seem obvious to you that they would be happier if they sought treatment.

Begin Eating Disorder Treatment in Provo, UT, & Beyond

If you are in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley, Salt Lake City, Provo, or Orem, Inside Wellness can help. Our team of warm, empathetic therapists are highly trained in treating eating disorders and will work gently with your sister to help her back towards mental health and wholeness.

The choice must be your sister’s. Encourage her to reach out for help. She can schedule a call with our warm Care Coordinator, who will help her find the therapist that will be right for her.

You obviously love your sister to be reading this. Support her and gently help her to get the support she needs.

Other Services Offered With Inside Wellness

Our team understands you may experience a number of mental health concerns in addition to eating disorder treatment. This is why we are happy to offer support with a variety of mental health services. Other services offered include body image counseling, anxiety therapy, EMDR Therapy, and online Therapy in Utah. Feel free to visit our blog or FAQ to learn more helpful information!

Why do I have an eating disorder?

When you’re suffering from a physical or mental illness that profoundly affects your daily life, it can feel phenomenally unfair. ‘What did I do to deserve this?’ you may ask. Or ‘Why me? Why do I have an eating disorder?’

First of all, you did NOTHING to deserve the illness you suffer from. The sad reality is that our bodies and minds are not perfect and they can break down in seemingly endless ways. The good news is that there ARE things you can do to improve things. There is help available, and it DOES work.

The answer to the last question can be complicated. Many disorders can be traced back to negative thoughts that are triggered by trauma or exposure, prolonged stress, and environmental triggers. But eating disorders often stem from a complex interaction of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Some of the many triggers for an eating disorder include:

  • Diet Culture

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Trauma

  • Peer pressure

  • Bullying

  • Body dissatisfaction

  • Genetic factors

This does NOT mean, however, that if you suffer from anxiety or negative self-talk that you will develop an eating disorder. The reasons why a certain mental illness affects one person and not another are many and complex.

One of the best people to help you explore why you’re suffering from an eating disorder and how best to treat it is a qualified mental health therapist. They will help you develop tools that can challenge unhelpful or negative thoughts, and work towards inner peace and calm.

Inside Wellness in Utah are specialists in helping individuals suffering from eating disorders. Each of our highly-trained therapists wants to help you recover and will treat you with warmth, respect, and dignity.

Reach out for help today - schedule a call with our Care Coordinator, who will help you find your idea therapist match.

Can Thoughts Affect An Eating Disorder?

Eating disorders are complicated afflictions, involving a web of triggers, negative thoughts, and downward spirals.

Thoughts not only affect eating disorders, they can be intrinsic in WHY the eating disorder started in the first place. This understanding may feel depressing…but it’s also good news, because if thoughts were involved at the beginning and now, they can also be retrained to work FOR you instead of against you.

We all suffer from negative thoughts at times, maybe even often. However, the difference with someone who suffers from an eating disorder is that these thoughts have created a particularly complex thought matrix that results in compulsive behaviors towards eating.

Low self-worth, early trauma, perfectionism, depression, anxiety, peer pressure, societal pressure, and negative body image can all be involved in this web of thoughts. And once they become entrenched, they can be difficult to break free from.

Sometimes, a sufferer of an eating disorder may not even WANT to stop these thoughts because they lead to the compulsions that make them feel better - at least, temporarily.

Recognizing that these compulsions are negatively impacting your life and relationships is often the first step to getting help.

Thoughts CAN be retrained. It takes time, effort, and expert guidance, but you CAN make a difference and improve your life.

A therapist who specializes in treating eating disorders can guide you on this journey towards mental and physical wellness.

If you are in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah Valley, Salt Lake City, Provo, or Orem, Inside Wellness can help you. Our team of warm, empathetic therapists are highly trained in treating eating disorders, and we want to help you.

Reach out for help today - schedule a call with our warm Care Coordinator, who will help you find your ideal therapist match.

Can EMDR Help With Negative Thoughts?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) is a proven therapy modality with many studies and research to back it up. It involves a mind-body approach to change, and can be extremely powerful for helping individuals change negative thought patterns, negative core beliefs, strong emotional reactions, and entrenched habits.

Although it may sound intimidating, EMDR is quite simple and involves mindfulness and guided meditation exercises combined with external stimuli (like guided eye movements) to ‘reprogram’ thoughts and behavior.

It is an 8-stage process during which you are always completely conscious and in control of your participation.

The goal is to help you work through memories that cause you emotional distress in a gentle way while moving you towards how you want to think and feel.

EMDR empowers you to change and even reverse negative thought patterns that have taken up residence in your mind, body, and nervous system. It can help you to reduce and even eliminate these negative thoughts and reactions, allowing you to move purposefully towards inner calm and mental balance.

If EMDR sounds like something you think you might benefit from, schedule a call with our Care Coordinator today.

Our EMDR-specialist, Angela, will gently work with you and support you through the process of restoring your inner peace.