Can EMDR Change Unhealthy Beliefs?

EMDR has proven to be a powerful tool to help people heal from past trauma, whether recent or in the distant past. But can EMDR therapy help you to reshape your beliefs about yourself, other people, the world, and your place in it? Our online therapists in Utah can help answer these questions.

Your Belief System

Beliefs are powerful things. They form mostly unconsciously, one belief built on top of another, until you live inside a complex web of beliefs that control how you react to various life events, whether big or small.

Your belief system can impact your reaction to something as seemingly small as someone buying you a cup of coffee, to something as big as a relationship betrayal, and everything in between.

Many things go into creating our belief systems; childhood, all manner of past events and situations can contribute to how we perceive ourselves, our relationships, and the world around us.

Our beliefs define and shape how we will react. When you combine that with trauma or series of traumatic events, the results can feel hard to predict. Much less to endure or challenge. After all, the purpose of our belief systems is to protect us from future harm. If we ‘know’ someone or something will act or happen a certain way, we can act to keep ourselves safe from that. At least, we convince ourselves that we can.

Desk organizer filled with different color markers that has a sign on it reading "Belief System".  EMDR online therapy can help change your belief system to one based on postive thoughts and feelings.

EMDR Therapy

This is one of many things that sets EMDR apart as a therapeutic tool. EMDR doesn’t just help an individual to change their reaction to memories of a traumatic event, it can also help you challenge and correct the belief systems that may have formed around the trauma, before or after it.

Healthy beliefs and belief systems are vital to a peaceful existence. If you believe things that are negative or untrue about yourself or others, it can impact your well-being, your inner peace, and even your ability to function. Challenging these wrong beliefs in a safe, guided space can be the key to reestablishing balance and equilibrium. How can EMDR help accomplish this?

EMDR therapy helps by reducing the emotional charge that often fuels negative beliefs. Without the weight of emotion pushing your reactions, it becomes easier to look objectively at your beliefs, assess whether or not they are true, and whether or not they are really serving you.

Rocks painted red with white lettering that spells EMDR. Your belief system can be changed in a positive way with EMDR online therapy in Utah. Learn more here.

Changing Beliefs With EMDR Therapy

EMDR treatment helps to reprocess and formulate more accurate, truly helpful, and healthy beliefs. This can move an individual from constantly telling themself, “I’m worthless”, “No one really cares about me”, “Why try? I’ll only fail”, to more positive, accurate statements, such as, “I am lovable”, “I am capable”, “Why not me?”

The implications of changing these fundamentally negative beliefs to more accurate, positive beliefs can be massive. This change can impact a person’s daily life, interactions with others, thoughts about their future, their job prospects, even their physical health.

EMDR is a gentle, non-invasive, and structured approach to processing trauma and reprocessing belief systems. It has eight clearly-defined phases, each building on the next to help you achieve your ultimate goal: inner peace and the ability to live with yourself and others.

At Inside Wellness in Utah County, we are home to highly-trained EMDR specialists who want to help you through this journey of self-discovery and rebuilding. We work with many different individuals, including students and international students at nearby universities, such as BYU and the University of Utah. If you live in Provo, Lehi, Draper, Sandy, Bluffdale, Orem, Holladay, or really anywhere in the Salt Lake Valley and Utah County, we are here to help you.

Begin Online EMDR Therapy in Utah

Are you looking for EMDR online counseling in Utah? At Inside Wellness in Utah County, we are home to highly-trained EMDR specialists who want to help you through this journey of self-discovery and rebuilding. We work with many different individuals, including students and international students at nearby universities, such as BYU and the University of Utah. If you live in Provo, Lehi, Draper, Sandy, Bluffdale, Orem, Holladay, or really anywhere in Salt Lake Valley and Utah County, we are here to help you. Our counselors are highly-skilled and experienced professionals who can help you get the treatment you need from the comfort of your own home. Plus, our online counseling is convenient and quick to fit into even the busiest of schedules.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness