Medical Students With High-Functioning Anxiety & Perfectionism

If you’re working your way through medical school, chances are you wanted to join the profession because you care about and want to help people. Does that sound like you?

Medical students learning in the classroom.  Medical school is a demanding endeavor for any student. Its easy to expect perfection from yourself as a result. This can negatively impact your life. Online therapy for perfectionism in  Utah can help.

The Drive for Perfectionism

Naturally, you want to do the very best you can to help someone get well again, and to do that you feel intensely the need to learn everything you can, to pass all the tests with flying colors, and to impress your teachers and medical institutions so you can get the best position possible. 

This drive towards excellence can produce stellar, dedicated, well-informed physicians. But this drive towards excellence can also have a darker side - the slippery slope into perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

Finding Balance: The Struggle With Perfectionism and High-Functioning Anxiety

At Inside Wellness in Salt Lake County, we work with many students from the University of Utah, and other schools and universities who excel at their chosen field of study…but struggle to keep a balance between aiming for excellence and perfection.

If you’re suffering from perfectionism and aren’t sure how or if you want to achieve a greater level of balance in your life, you are not alone. Perfectionism is a common problem among high-achievers, and often goes hand in hand with high-functioning anxiety.

Student lying in the grass with his textbook stressed out by unrealistic expectations. You don't have to suffer with unrealistic expectations. Overcome them with online therapy for perfectionism in Utah.

What is perfectionism?

Perfectionism involves constantly striving for perfection, rarely (if ever) acknowledging your successes or achievements, and never being satisfied with your accomplishments. 

The problem is that perfection is, by definition, impossible to attain, so this relentless pressure to be perfect starts to wear you down mentally, emotionally, and even physically. It can start to affect your relationships, both personal and professional. It can affect you to such an extent that you become disillusioned and lose your passion and motivation for your chosen field, causing you to wonder why you even started down this road in the first place. Burnout becomes a constant, looming threat.

What is high-functioning anxiety?

This ever-building cycle of obsessive thoughts and behaviors often results in high-functioning anxiety. That is, a person who lives with anxiety but feels they are still able to function in other areas of the life.

The combination of perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety can make you feel exhausted and trapped, with your enjoyment of life and your area of study slowly draining away.

Graduation cap and diploma sitting on some books in the grass represent success! Perfection is unattainable. Learn to set realistic expectations through online therapy for perfectionism in Utah.

Therapy Options in Utah

The good news is that these two afflictions can absolutely be helped and improved. A licensed mental health therapist who specializes in helping individuals with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety will be able to gently and empathetically listen and guide you as you move towards restoring balance. 

If you currently live in the Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake City, Holladay, Mill Creek, Murray, Lehi, Sandy, or Draper, you likely have access to one of the most experienced and specialized therapy practices in the state. 

Inside Wellness’ team of counselors specializes in helping individuals struggling with perfectionism, high-functioning anxiety, body image and eating disorders. Some of our therapists’ training includes EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), talk therapy, and other modalities proven to help with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

If you are a medical student and you need some evidence-based, confidential help to overcome perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety, Inside Wellness can help.

Begin Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah

Seeking high-functioning anxiety treatment can be the first step to being successful not only in school but also in life. Therapy for students in Utah is available with our team of well-trained counselors! Follow the steps below to get connected with someone who can help you successfully navigate the pressures and expectations of graduate school.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Schedule a call today with our Care Coordinator, who will work with you to find the right therapist match for you.