school performance

School Performance Anxiety: 3 Tips For Setting Realistic Goals

Student sitting on the stairs struggling with overwhelming performance anxiety. Setting unrealistic goals for perfection can lead to performance anxiety and negatively impacts mental health. Therapy for anxiety in Utah can help you! Learn more here.

Anxiety, when does it become unhealthy for our mental health?

To a certain extent, anxiety is a normal part of life. It helps us focus, motivates us to meet deadlines, and helps us to do our best.

But anxiety can become unhealthy when it never goes away, and starts to affect your daily life, thoughts, emotional and mental health.

Add in the element of school and a natural desire to perform well, and you’ve got yourself all the ingredients of a brewing mental health disaster. At Inside Wellness our team of therapists understands these issues and are here to help.

Performance Anxiety, A Common Problem

Performance anxiety is very common among students. Even your classmates who seem to be happy all the time, always have their schoolwork in on time, grade well, and are liked by others are more than likely battling chronic anxiety too.

So how can you balance the healthy anxiety that will help you get things done and done well, with the unhealthy anxiety that can paralyze and break you down?

Female student struggling with unrealistic expectations and performance anxiety. Performance anxiety can lead to increased levels of anxiety and stress. Learn to cope with these feelings with therapy for anxiety in Utah. Read more here.

Setting Achievable Goals to Combat Anxiety

Achievable goals are a vital part of the equation. If you’re setting massive goals for yourself, like I must finish ahead of my classmates and with honors, even if you somehow reach that goal, you are going to feel miserably anxious the whole way there.

If you can identify and work towards smaller, achievable goals along the way, you’re more likely to feel calmer, less anxious, and do your best work. Win-win, right?!

Here are three simple tips for helping you set realistic goals with your schooling:

1 - Practice Good Study Habits

Cramming at the last second may seem tempting, but it will leave you in a chronic state of heightened awareness and anxiety. Even though you’re choosing to wait until the last minute to study, your mind and body keep track of the time in the back of your mind.

Get it done right away, early, and as soon as you can. Then you will actually be able to switch off and enjoy the time you have left.

2- Attend to Your Body’s Basic Needs

Let’s face it, college is busy and often the first thing to go to is solid sleep & taking time to eat in a way that helps your body help you. We work with lots of dieticians and nothing can replace our body’s need for 3 meals and a few snacks each day. Staying hydrated & getting up for stretching breaks during study sessions will also help you body help you.

3 - Learn Relaxation Techniques That Work For YOU

Not all relaxation techniques work for everyone. And maybe it isn’t something structured like yoga or meditation. Maybe for you just sitting on the grass in a park and daydreaming helps you relax. Maybe it’s a bath with bubbles. Or settling down with a good (non-school) book.

Teaching your body how to relax regularly will enable it to cope better when it is under stress.

Another tip that can really help you cope with the anxiety and stress inherent in schooling is talking to a compassionate, trained counselor.

At Inside Wellness Counseling in the sunny Utah Valley, our team of experienced counselors all have one objective: to help you live your best life, cope with stress and reach your mental health goals.

Students studying together and supporting each other. With the right tools, performance anxiety can be overcome. Learn to set realistic goals for yourself with therapy for students in Utah.

Begin Therapy Performance Anxiety in Utah

Are you looking for therapy for students dealing with performance anxiety in Utah? We are happy to say that you've come to the right place. You don’t have to continue struggling with your anxiety. At Inside Wellness, our counselors are highly-skilled and experienced professionals who can help you get the treatment you need to regain control of your life.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and our anxiety therapists.

  3. Get set up with an anxiety therapist who is right for you!

Additional Mental Health Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Here at Inside Wellness, we provide a variety of online counseling services including counseling for body image, self-esteem, eating disorders, and anxiety. Learn more about the specific services we offer below.