How Self-Compassion Helps Your Mental Health`

Self-compassion or self-care are buzzwords we’ve been hearing a lot of over the past couple of years. 

Too Much Too Fast Is Detrimental To Mental Health Self-Care

From the pandemic to social upheaval to economic upheaval to political unrest, we’re all feeling the strain of too much happening too fast. At Inside Wellness our team of therapists understands the challenges we all face in today’s uncertain world.

What is Self-Compassion?

But what exactly is self-compassion? What does self-compassion look like in practice? And what benefits might you see to your mental health by integrating self-compassion into your life?

Compassionate acts towards others generally start by thinking about what they might be feeling right now and what small acts of kindness might help them feel a little better. Self-compassion is no different.

Woman practicing mental health self-care by reading a book and having a cup of tea. Inside Wellness in Utah can helop you create your own mentla health self-care routine. Learn more here.

Getting Lost in Daily Routines

Our society has a tendency to get lost in our daily routines, rarely (if ever) pausing to check in with ourselves to ask how we’re feeling and what could help us feel less stressed/anxious/overwhelmed/drained/exhausted. This never-ending hamster wheel of exertion can lead to burnout, strained relationships, and mental distress.

Transformational Mental Health Self-Care

Even small acts of self-compassion can make a radical difference to our mental health - bringing lower levels of related depression and anxiety. Getting into the habit of practicing small acts of self-compassion regularly can become transformational, helping you relax, feel in control of your life, be appreciated, and be energized again.

Start Small with Mental Health Self-Care

You may be feeling exhausted at just the thought of adding something to your already overwhelming routine - but this is a small thing you’re choosing to do just for you. 

Pick one or two things that really appeal to you from the following list of suggestions and set a day and time (soon!) to try them. The good results you’ll see from these small acts will motivate you to try it again…and again…until before you know it, you’re in a routine of practicing self-compassion and feeling increasingly more alive as a result.

Peaceful woman sitting on the floor practicing mental health self-care through meditation and mindfulness. Online therapy in Utah can help guide you toward positive mental health self-care. Learn more here.

Some Self-Compassion Suggestions & Ideas:

  • Close your eyes and take five deep breaths.

  • Give yourself context for what is happening that leading to your challenging feelings

  • Apply with the “best friend test”, meaning if your friend just told you what happened or how they were feeling, what you would you honestly say back to them? Hint, it is usually more kind than what you are saying to yourself

  • Remind yourself that what goes up comes back down, emotions come and emotions go

  • Give yourself some encouragement. You’re doing your best!

  • Practice mindfulness - do some yoga or just sit and listen to your breath.

  • Do something soothing to your nervous system- put on soothing music, grab a cozy blanket, or watch the sunset

The above suggestions are by no means revolutionary, and this is not an exhaustive list. They are simple ideas based on things YOU enjoy that make YOU feel good. Pick one thing that sounds good to you from the list, or try something different that isn’t on the list. 

Create Your Own Mental Health Self-Care List

Make your own list! Having a list of small activities that you enjoy and that make you feel good can be very handy when you’re feeling overwhelmed and want to take five minutes to practice self-compassion…but can’t think of what to do.

Self-compassion may feel like a luxury, but it’s really a necessity for a calm mind and heart.

If you’re still struggling to regain your inner peace and perspective, it might be time to give the experts at Inside Wellness Counseling in Utah a call. 

Schedule your private consultation now with our care coordinator. Simply click here to choose the day and time that work for you.

Young Hispanic woman embracing herseslf representing someone who is practicing self-compassion. Inside Wellness in Utah can help you understand and implement mental health self-care into your daily routine. Learn more here.

Begin Online Therapy for Mental Health Self-Care in Utah

Practicing mental health self-care can help you regain peace and balance in your life. At Inside Wellness, our team of skilled therapists is here to help guide you on this journey with online therapy services geared toward mindfulness and self-esteem. You ARE worth it! Follow the steps below to get started.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Questions To Ask Your Therapist About Anxiety

Young man looking anxiously out the window. If you are struggling with anxiety you don't have to fight this battle alone. Online anxiety therapy in Utah is here to answer your questions and help you begin healing.

Beginning Anxiety Treatment Can be Scary

If you struggle with anxiety, just making it to your first therapy session or your first session with a new therapist can feel overwhelming. It can be difficult to know what to expect.

At Inside Wellness our team of therapists completely understand those feelings. Anything new or different creates stress in our body and mind, even if it’s a change you’re excited about.

Create a Plan to Address with Your Anxiety Therapist

Something that can help you feel more in control of the situation is to have an outline or plan of what you want to ask you therapist in your initial therapy sessions. We’ve compiled a list of great questions that our clients with anxiety have asked us, so you can pick what most applies to you and feel more prepared for your first session.

Grab a notebook or the Notes app on your phone, and jot down or copy and paste the questions you want to ask!

Young African American woman leaning against a railing contemplating. Looking for an anxiety therapist in Utah? We are here to answer all of your questions and help you gain understanding of your symptoms. Reach out today!

Questions to Ask Your Anxiety Therapist

  • What kind of license do you have?

  • How long have you been providing therapy?

  • Are you still under supervision?

  • How much experience do you have in treating my issues and concerns?

  • Would you say I have anxiety or an anxiety disorder?

  • What triggers anxiety?

  • What do you feel would be some realistic goals for me?

  • Will you give me ‘homework’? What does that generally look like?

  • How confident are you that my efforts and work with you will improve my anxiety?

  • What type of anxiety disorders do you specialize in treating?

  • What therapy modalities do you use? Eg CBT, DBT, EMDR, trauma-informed, Internal Family Systems, etc

  • Do you specialize in any of these treatments, or are you more of a generalist?

  • What type of therapy do you recommend for me?

  • How effective is this therapy for my type of anxiety?

  • How long will therapy last?

  • How long will each session be?

  • How often do you suggest we meet?

  • What will therapy sessions with you be like?

  • How do you generally structure sessions?

  • Is medication an option or recommended?

  • If so, are you able to prescribe that or do I need to see someone different for that?

  • How do I know if you and I are a good fit to work together?

  • Are you available after-hours for crises?

  • Do you offer in-person and virtual sessions?

Confident woman enjoying her day in the sunshine. Anxiety does not have to control your life. Learn the skills to manage anxiety effectively with an anxiety therapist in Utah.

At Inside Wellness Counseling in Northern Utah, our team of therapists welcomes any and all questions! We want you to feel as confident and in control of your treatment as possible.

We will work alongside you to help you identify the best tools and resources to help you manage and improve your anxiety.

Begin Therapy for Anxiety in Utah

Seeking anxiety treatment can be the first step to being successful not only in school but also in life. Therapy for anxiety in Utah is available with our team of well-trained counselors! Follow the steps below to get connected with someone who can help you successfully navigate the pressures and expectations of life as we know it.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Schedule a call today with our Care Coordinator, who will work with you to find the right therapist match for you.

So You’ve Been Diagnosed With Anxiety? Tips To Cope From A Utah Therapist

Occasional feelings of anxiety are part of life. They can even be a positive thing, helping you focus and motivating you to do your best.

But when anxiety becomes frequent, even constant, and excessive, it can rob you of your inner peace and enjoyment of life.  Excessive anxiety can also lead to fear, terror, and panic attacks in everyday situations.

If you’ve been diagnosed with anxiety, what are some practical steps you can take to help yourself cope?

At Inside Wellness Counseling in sunny Utah Valley, our team of therapists specializes in helping individuals struggling with all kinds of anxiety. Here are some tips we’ve put together for you to help you do what you can to cope:

  1. Get good quality sleep
    Sleep is vital to life. Good quality sleep is essential to our mental health and well-being. Keeping your bedroom cool and dark, stopping use of digital devices before bed, and keeping your bedroom dedicated to sleep can all help. You want to be getting enough sleep to feel rested. If you aren't getting enough or good quality sleep, your health care provider will have some suggestions that may help.

  2. Find and use relaxation techniques that work for you
    Meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and being in nature can all help ease anxiety.

  3. Learn about your anxiety
    Get educated! Learn about what can cause anxiety, what can help, and what treatments are available. Involve your family and friends wherever you can, and don’t be afraid to ask for their support.

  4. Stick to your treatment plan
    If your doctor has prescribed medications, take them as directed. Keep therapy appointments and apply the suggestions your therapist gives you. Consistency can make a big difference to regaining control of your anxiety.

  5. Identify your triggers
    Anxiety triggers are different for everybody. Learn what situations or actions increase your anxiety. Use the tools and strategies you develop with your mental health provider so you're more ready to deal with anxious feelings when they crop up

  6. Keep a journal
    A journal can be a powerful tool in helping you express and articulate your anxiety and other emotions. This doesn’t have to be a daily account of what happened that day and how you felt/feel about it; it can be as simple as jotting down a list of emotions you feel in the moment, then taking a moment to acknowledge them and ask why they’re there.

  7. Socialize
    Even though being with other people may be the last thing you want to do, even a small amount of socializing can help with anxiety. Don’t allow your anxiety to isolate you from loved ones or activities you enjoy

Anxiety can be challenging to live with and manage, but there ARE tools and support available to help you.

If you live in the Salt Lake Valley, Orem, Lehi, Provo, or American Fork, it’s worth considering getting expert help from Inside Wellness Counseling. Schedule a call with our Care Coordinator today to get matched with the best therapist for you.

School Performance Anxiety: 3 Tips For Setting Realistic Goals

Student sitting on the stairs struggling with overwhelming performance anxiety. Setting unrealistic goals for perfection can lead to performance anxiety and negatively impacts mental health. Therapy for anxiety in Utah can help you! Learn more here.

Anxiety, when does it become unhealthy for our mental health?

To a certain extent, anxiety is a normal part of life. It helps us focus, motivates us to meet deadlines, and helps us to do our best.

But anxiety can become unhealthy when it never goes away, and starts to affect your daily life, thoughts, emotional and mental health.

Add in the element of school and a natural desire to perform well, and you’ve got yourself all the ingredients of a brewing mental health disaster. At Inside Wellness our team of therapists understands these issues and are here to help.

Performance Anxiety, A Common Problem

Performance anxiety is very common among students. Even your classmates who seem to be happy all the time, always have their schoolwork in on time, grade well, and are liked by others are more than likely battling chronic anxiety too.

So how can you balance the healthy anxiety that will help you get things done and done well, with the unhealthy anxiety that can paralyze and break you down?

Female student struggling with unrealistic expectations and performance anxiety. Performance anxiety can lead to increased levels of anxiety and stress. Learn to cope with these feelings with therapy for anxiety in Utah. Read more here.

Setting Achievable Goals to Combat Anxiety

Achievable goals are a vital part of the equation. If you’re setting massive goals for yourself, like I must finish ahead of my classmates and with honors, even if you somehow reach that goal, you are going to feel miserably anxious the whole way there.

If you can identify and work towards smaller, achievable goals along the way, you’re more likely to feel calmer, less anxious, and do your best work. Win-win, right?!

Here are three simple tips for helping you set realistic goals with your schooling:

1 - Practice Good Study Habits

Cramming at the last second may seem tempting, but it will leave you in a chronic state of heightened awareness and anxiety. Even though you’re choosing to wait until the last minute to study, your mind and body keep track of the time in the back of your mind.

Get it done right away, early, and as soon as you can. Then you will actually be able to switch off and enjoy the time you have left.

2- Attend to Your Body’s Basic Needs

Let’s face it, college is busy and often the first thing to go to is solid sleep & taking time to eat in a way that helps your body help you. We work with lots of dieticians and nothing can replace our body’s need for 3 meals and a few snacks each day. Staying hydrated & getting up for stretching breaks during study sessions will also help you body help you.

3 - Learn Relaxation Techniques That Work For YOU

Not all relaxation techniques work for everyone. And maybe it isn’t something structured like yoga or meditation. Maybe for you just sitting on the grass in a park and daydreaming helps you relax. Maybe it’s a bath with bubbles. Or settling down with a good (non-school) book.

Teaching your body how to relax regularly will enable it to cope better when it is under stress.

Another tip that can really help you cope with the anxiety and stress inherent in schooling is talking to a compassionate, trained counselor.

At Inside Wellness Counseling in the sunny Utah Valley, our team of experienced counselors all have one objective: to help you live your best life, cope with stress and reach your mental health goals.

Students studying together and supporting each other. With the right tools, performance anxiety can be overcome. Learn to set realistic goals for yourself with therapy for students in Utah.

Begin Therapy Performance Anxiety in Utah

Are you looking for therapy for students dealing with performance anxiety in Utah? We are happy to say that you've come to the right place. You don’t have to continue struggling with your anxiety. At Inside Wellness, our counselors are highly-skilled and experienced professionals who can help you get the treatment you need to regain control of your life.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and our anxiety therapists.

  3. Get set up with an anxiety therapist who is right for you!

Additional Mental Health Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Here at Inside Wellness, we provide a variety of online counseling services including counseling for body image, self-esteem, eating disorders, and anxiety. Learn more about the specific services we offer below.

5 Benefits of Anxiety Counseling In The New Academic Year

It’s the start of another academic year! University of Utah, BYU, Utah Tech, and many more schools, colleges, and universities in the Salt Lake Valley and Utah Valley are gearing up for another year of training.

Do you feel a flurry of mixed emotions? You may feel nervous, excited, overwhelmed, motivated, tired, or anxious. These are all completely normal feelings to have.

Anxiety about keeping up with tasks and homework, achieving good grades, making friends, being seen as cool, and keeping family happy can all take their toll on the mind and heart.

One of the best things you can do to proactively help your anxiety is to find a compassionate counselor who truly understands what you’re going through.

Knowing you’re not alone in your feelings can be helpful, but it’s often not enough to alleviate your anxiety completely. It can be scary to talk to your peers and be vulnerable with them about what you’re feeling! How will they react? Will they view you differently? Will they laugh at you?

A trained counselor can help you navigate all the emotions that come with going back to school, including how to deal with people and how to feel good about yourself with or without their good opinion.

These ideals may feel wildly out of your reach at the moment. But a compassionate therapist is just a bit taller than you, thanks to their training and experience, so they can help you pull down those higher branches and reach the goals you’d love to achieve.

Inside Wellness in sunny Utah Valley is close to all the major schools and universities in Northern Utah. Our caring therapists specialize in helping students navigate the challenges of school.

This includes students staying in the US from another country to go to school here. You are very welcome! We want to support you as you go through this journey and help you reach your goals.

Our mission is not just to help you make it through your schooling; we want to help you come out the other side a stronger, more confident person, who feels good about themself and what they’ve accomplished.

If this sounds like something you’d like to explore, schedule a call with our gentle Care Coordinator today. She will listen to your challenges and goals and help match you with a therapist who will truly be able to support you.

Going back to school may feel scary and lonely, but you don’t need to stay feeling that way! Reach out for help from Inside Wellness Counseling today. It may be one of the best investments in your future you ever make!

Technical School College Students With High-Functioning Anxiety & Perfectionism

Our world is built on tech. If our tech runs smoothly, our lives run smoothly (for the most part!).

If you are in technical school or college, thank you! Your work is needed!

In the technical world, things change fast, so there is constant pressure to stay up to date on the latest developments. This can be a challenge for someone already working in the field, but when you’re still learning and building a foundation while ALSO having to keep up to date with these changes, avoiding mental overload can be a real challenge.

The internal pressure to excel in speed and aptitude, to pass all your tests with flying colors, and to impress your teachers so you have the best shot at the best programs and job opportunities can be immense and intense.

This constant internal pressure and drive towards excellence can produce greatness. But it also exists on a precipice - the constant pull towards perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

At Inside Wellness in Utah County, we know there are many students from Utah Tech University, Utah College of Applied Technology, Mountainland Technical College, and other schools and universities who work hard to excel in their studies…but also have a more private struggle between aiming for excellence and perfection.

Identifying the line between excellence and perfection can easily become blurry, especially when you’re working hard, sleep-deprived, and mentally exhausted from maintaining constant focus on your studies.

If you’re feeling the push and pull of this struggle, you are not alone. Perfectionism is a common problem among high-achievers (which many technical university and college students are), and often goes alongside high-functioning anxiety.

Perfectionism involves constantly trying to be perfect and produce perfect results, rarely (if ever) acknowledging your successes or achievements, and never being satisfied with your accomplishments.

Although that might seem to be a fastback to professional and personal success, the problem is that perfection is impossible for anyone to attain. That’s not a challenge; it’s simply a fact. Excellence is possible; perfection is not.

This relentless internal pressure to be perfect can start to wear you down mentally, emotionally, and even physically. It can begin to affect your relationships, both personal and professional. It can affect you to such an extent that you lose your passion and motivation for your studies, which can make burnout and dropping out of school an every-present threat.

This spiraling cycle of obsessive thoughts and behaviors often results in high-functioning anxiety: someone who lives with anxiety but feels they are still able to function in other areas of the life.

Just living with this combination of perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety can make you feel exhausted and trapped, slowly sapping your enjoyment of life and your studies.

The good news is that these two challenges can absolutely be helped and improved. A licensed mental health therapist who specializes in helping individuals with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety will be able to gently and empathetically listen and guide you towards restoring balance.

If you currently live in the Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake City, Holladay, Mill Creek, Murray, Provo, Orem, Lehi, Sandy or Draper, you likely have access to one of the most experienced and specialized therapy practices in the state.

Inside Wellness’ team of counselors specialize in helping individuals struggling with perfectionism, high-functioning anxiety, and eating disorders. Our therapists’ training includes therapy modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), talk therapy, and other therapy approaches proven to help with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

If you are a technical university or college student in Utah and you know you need help to regain your inner balance, Inside Wellness can help.

Schedule a call today with our Care Coordinator who will help you find the therapist who will be the best fit for you

Undergraduate & College Students With High-Functioning Anxiety & Perfectionism

You’ve arrived. The day has finally come when you are taking the next steps and you can’t wait for all that the future holds for you. School, new friends, new freedoms & adventures await you!

Group of students graduating and preparing for college. College life brings its own set of challenges to the table. Don't fall victim to feelings of perfectionism and anxiety. Therapy for students in Utah is available to help you maintain balance.

The Drive For Excellence

You’ve crossed many hurdles already to reach this point in your education and moving into your professional life. You’ve already shown resilience, strength, problem-solving and decision-making ability, and determination.

As you start down the road to your chosen profession, you naturally want to do the very best you can. It’s common to feel intense internal pressure to learn everything you can, to pass all your tests with flying colors, and to impress your teachers so you have the best shot at the best programs and job opportunities.

This drive towards excellence can produce greatness. But it can also have a darker side - the slippery slope into perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety. Inside Wellness understands the dark side of the drive for excellence and our team of skilled therapists are here to help.

Perfectionism and High-Functioning Anxiety, A Slippery Slope

At Inside Wellness in Utah County, our team of skilled therapists work with many students from BYU, U.V.U. and University of Utah, and other schools and universities who work hard to excel in their studies…but also have a more private struggle between aiming for excellence and perfection. The line between the two can easily become blurry, especially when you’re sleep-deprived and mentally exhausted from maintaining constant focus.

If you’re feeling the push and pull of this struggle, you are not alone. Perfectionism is a common problem among high-achievers (which many undergraduates and college students are), and often goes hand in hand with high-functioning anxiety.

What is Perfectionism?

Perfectionism involves constantly trying to be perfect and produce perfect results, rarely (if ever) acknowledging your successes or achievements, and never being satisfied with your accomplishments. 

Although that might seem to be a fast track to professional and personal success, the problem is that perfection is impossible to attain. This relentless internal pressure to be perfect starts to wear you down mentally, emotionally, and even physically. It can start to affect your relationships, both personal and professional. It can affect you to such an extent that you become disillusioned and lose your passion and motivation for your studies, causing you to wonder why you even started down this road in the first place. Burnout and dropping out of school become constant, looming threats.

What is High-Functioning Anxiety?

In the pursuit of perfection, this spiraling cycle of obsessive thoughts and behaviors often results in high-functioning anxiety: a person who lives with anxiety but feels they are still able to function in other areas of the life.

The combination of perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety can make you feel exhausted and trapped, with your enjoyment of life and your studies slowly draining away.

Female student doing math equations on the blackboard. Being successful does not mean you have to be perfect. If you are struggling with perfectionism or high-functioning anxiety, therapy for students in Utah can help. Learn more here.

You Are not Alone, Therapy for Perfectionism and High-Functioning Anxiety Can Help

The good news is that these two challenges can absolutely be helped and improved. A licensed mental health therapist who specializes in helping individuals with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety will be able to gently and empathetically listen and guide you towards restoring balance. 

Locations in Utah

If you currently live in Park City, Salt Lake City, Holladay, Millcreek, Murray, Sandy, Provo, Orem, Lehi, or Draper, you likely have access to one of the most experienced and specialized therapy practices in the state. 

Specializations in Treating Perfectionism and High-Functioning Anxiety

Inside Wellness’ team of counselors specialize in therapy for students struggling with perfectionism, high-functioning anxiety, and eating disorders. Our therapists’ training includes therapy modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), talk therapy, and other therapy approaches proven to help with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

If you are an undergraduate or college student and you need confidential help to overcome perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety, Inside Wellness can help.

Begin Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah

Seeking high-functioning anxiety treatment can be the first step to being successful not only in school but also in life. Therapy for students in Utah is available with our team of well-trained counselors! Follow the steps below to get connected with someone who can help you successfully navigate the pressures and expectations of graduate school.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Schedule a call today with our Care Coordinator, who will work with you to find the right therapist match for you.

Medical Students With High-Functioning Anxiety & Perfectionism

If you’re working your way through medical school, chances are you wanted to join the profession because you care about and want to help people. Does that sound like you?

Medical students learning in the classroom.  Medical school is a demanding endeavor for any student. Its easy to expect perfection from yourself as a result. This can negatively impact your life. Online therapy for perfectionism in  Utah can help.

The Drive for Perfectionism

Naturally, you want to do the very best you can to help someone get well again, and to do that you feel intensely the need to learn everything you can, to pass all the tests with flying colors, and to impress your teachers and medical institutions so you can get the best position possible. 

This drive towards excellence can produce stellar, dedicated, well-informed physicians. But this drive towards excellence can also have a darker side - the slippery slope into perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

Finding Balance: The Struggle With Perfectionism and High-Functioning Anxiety

At Inside Wellness in Salt Lake County, we work with many students from the University of Utah, and other schools and universities who excel at their chosen field of study…but struggle to keep a balance between aiming for excellence and perfection.

If you’re suffering from perfectionism and aren’t sure how or if you want to achieve a greater level of balance in your life, you are not alone. Perfectionism is a common problem among high-achievers, and often goes hand in hand with high-functioning anxiety.

Student lying in the grass with his textbook stressed out by unrealistic expectations. You don't have to suffer with unrealistic expectations. Overcome them with online therapy for perfectionism in Utah.

What is perfectionism?

Perfectionism involves constantly striving for perfection, rarely (if ever) acknowledging your successes or achievements, and never being satisfied with your accomplishments. 

The problem is that perfection is, by definition, impossible to attain, so this relentless pressure to be perfect starts to wear you down mentally, emotionally, and even physically. It can start to affect your relationships, both personal and professional. It can affect you to such an extent that you become disillusioned and lose your passion and motivation for your chosen field, causing you to wonder why you even started down this road in the first place. Burnout becomes a constant, looming threat.

What is high-functioning anxiety?

This ever-building cycle of obsessive thoughts and behaviors often results in high-functioning anxiety. That is, a person who lives with anxiety but feels they are still able to function in other areas of the life.

The combination of perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety can make you feel exhausted and trapped, with your enjoyment of life and your area of study slowly draining away.

Graduation cap and diploma sitting on some books in the grass represent success! Perfection is unattainable. Learn to set realistic expectations through online therapy for perfectionism in Utah.

Therapy Options in Utah

The good news is that these two afflictions can absolutely be helped and improved. A licensed mental health therapist who specializes in helping individuals with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety will be able to gently and empathetically listen and guide you as you move towards restoring balance. 

If you currently live in the Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake City, Holladay, Mill Creek, Murray, Lehi, Sandy, or Draper, you likely have access to one of the most experienced and specialized therapy practices in the state. 

Inside Wellness’ team of counselors specializes in helping individuals struggling with perfectionism, high-functioning anxiety, body image and eating disorders. Some of our therapists’ training includes EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), talk therapy, and other modalities proven to help with perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety.

If you are a medical student and you need some evidence-based, confidential help to overcome perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety, Inside Wellness can help.

Begin Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah

Seeking high-functioning anxiety treatment can be the first step to being successful not only in school but also in life. Therapy for students in Utah is available with our team of well-trained counselors! Follow the steps below to get connected with someone who can help you successfully navigate the pressures and expectations of graduate school.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Schedule a call today with our Care Coordinator, who will work with you to find the right therapist match for you.

Graduate Students With High-Functioning Anxiety & Perfectionism

Congratulations on moving on to grad school!

Students taking notes in graduate school. Graduate school is a lot of work and oftentimes we put unrealistic expectations of perfectionism on ourselves as a result. Therapy for perfectionism in Utah can help manage expectations realistically.

You’re no stranger to hard work to have gotten where you are today, and naturally you have your sights trained on achieving personal and professional excellence.

If you’re reading this article, though, you already know that there can be a darker side to striving for excellence. Maintaining mental balance while constantly trying to be noticed, to stand out, and to be the best can be tricky at. At Wildflower Therapy our skilled team of Therapists understand these challenges!


Many graduate students suffer from perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety without even knowing there is a name for what they’re battling.

Perfectionism has been described as setting high standards and striving for flawlessness while also being highly self-critical. Does this sound like you?

Grad Student studing on the steps. Do you find yourself struggling with perfectionism that results in anxious thoughts or feelings? Therapy for students seeking high functioning anxiety treatment in Utah is available.

High Functioning Anxiety

Perfectionism often goes hand-in-hand with high-functioning anxiety. Although high-functioning anxiety is not currently a recognized mental health diagnosis, it generally refers to people who live with anxiety but also function reasonably well in other aspects of their life.

Individuals who struggle with high-functioning anxiety often notice that their anxiety propels them forward rather than leaving them frozen in fear. On the surface, you may also appear to be successful, calm, and focused—the type of person who generally excels at work and life. However, that outer veneer may be very different to how you actually feel on the inside.

The Trade-Off

Perfectionism and high-functioning anxiety can rob you of inner peace and mental and emotional balance. Although they may propel you forward in your chosen career, they will eventually exact payment for their services, in the form of lost relationships, extreme stress, and dangerous mistakes. They can also cause physical changes, such as insomnia, eating and appetite changes, as well as a whole host of other issues.

Group of grad students walking to class together supporting each other. Perfectionism can force expectations to unrealistic heights that are impossible to attain. Online therapy for perfectionism in Utah can help bring you back to reality.

Managing Perfectionism

It’s worth the effort to regain mental and emotional balance. Here are five tips to help you manage perfectionism:

1 - Practice self-acknowledgment and self-praise.

So much of perfectionism involves pushing for More, Better, without taking any time to acknowledge the accomplishments you’ve had or the effort you’ve put in. Next time you accomplish something, no matter how small, take a minute to say ‘Well done’ or ‘I did well with that’ to yourself.

2 - Set realistic goals.

Big goals are great, but it can be demoralizing to constantly be striving for a big goal that will be out of reach for years. Set the big goals, but then work backwards and set the mid- and short-term goals that build on each other and lead you to that bigger end goal. Setting and reaching goals has been shown to improve well-being and fuel future efforts.

3 - Acknowledge your strengths.

Western culture tends to focus on individual weaknesses and failings while glorifying other people’s successes and strengths. In reality, we are all a mixture of strengths and weaknesses. Don’t allow your weaknesses to drown out your attention.

Make a list of your strengths and then look for these in your efforts; you will likely start noticing them constantly as your strengths are what you use daily to be the best you can be. Acknowledge them and be grateful for them.

4 - Challenge your unhealthy thoughts.

While thoughts may seem to appear, unbidden, in our heads, they can be controlled and changed over time. When you have a thought that exhausts you or makes you feel bad, challenge it. Ask yourself, ‘Is this thought balanced?’ ‘Is it true or is it just my perception?’ ‘What would be a healthier way to think about this?’ Our brains are flexible and plastic, able to change and grow. With or without help, you CAN change your thoughts.

5 - Be gentle with yourself.

Graduate school is not easy; you fought to get here. Staying here and thriving is not just about hard work and focus; it’s important to care for your body and mind so they are able to continue supporting you as you work towards your dreams.

Take time to do something you enjoy, go for a walk in nature, listen to music, practice mindfulness, have lunch with a friend, watch a funny movie. Give your body even these short, restorative sessions and it will be able to give you the strength you need to achieve your goals.

Asking for Help: The Benefits of Therapy for Perfectionism and High-Functioning Anxiety Treatment

If you still find yourself struggling to regain your mental balance, don’t be afraid to reach out for extra support. Enlisting the help and guidance of a qualified mental health therapist can give you the boost you need to regain your balance.

Seeking help is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength to recognize you have a need and to ask for help with it. This is a strength that will continue to serve you as you finish school and move into your chosen profession. Perfection may not be attainable, but good, and even great, are possible. Especially if you allow others to help lift you higher than you could climb alone.

Begin Therapy for Perfectionism in Utah

Seeking high-functioning anxiety treatment can be the first step to being successful not only in school but also in life. Therapy for students in Utah is available with our team of well-trained counselors! Follow the steps below to get connected with someone who can help you successfully navigate the pressures and expectations of graduate school.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Services Offered at Inside Wellness

Schedule a call today with our Care Coordinator, who will work with you to find the right therapist match for you.

Why Online Therapy Is Better (If You’re A VBP)

We realize that these are two rather provocative statements. Firstly, how can online counseling possibly be better than in-person therapy? And secondly, what on earth is a VBP??!

African American business woman working busily in her office. Are you struggling to keep all your balls in the air? As a vbp finding time for self-care can be difficult. Online therapy in Provo or Salt Lake City Utah can help you find the time!

The Shift to Online Therapy

Until relatively recently, online therapy (that is, therapy sessions conducted via video like Zoom) were relatively unheard of. They may have been used in particular situations - for example, if a client is on vacation but doesn’t want to miss their session - but as a whole, in-person therapy sessions were the norm.

As we know, the Covid-19 pandemic changed all that. Work meetings, lunch breaks, job interviews, concerts with friends, and, yes, therapy sessions all went virtual as everyone worked to stay safe and protect others.

Is online therapy effective?

What We Know

We learned several things about ourselves and our society as this prolonged change took place. We learned that most of us can work just as productively (sometimes more so) from home than we did in the office. We learned that it’s chatting with your friends that’s most important, virtually or in-person. And we learned that therapy sessions are just as effective virtually as in-person.

Online Counseling, Effective as In-Person

But how can that possibly be? I hear you say. Online counseling sessions involve two-dimensional people instead of three-dimensional, there’s no one to hand you tissues or let you in and out through an actual door. While these things are all true, the results are conclusive: online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy.

Benefits of Online Therapy

For most people, that means virtual therapy is no better or worse than in-person therapy; it’s entirely up to someone’s personal preference. Maybe they’re too nervous to do in-person sessions or battle a chronic health condition that leaves them vulnerable to infection. Or maybe they just prefer the experience of in-person therapy sessions.

Group of vbp working together. As a very busy person you may think caring for your mental health has to take a back seat. Online therapy in Utah can meet you where you are at! Start online counseling in Provo, UT or Salt Lake City, UT.

Very Busy People, Ideal For Online Therapy

However, there is a group of people for whom online counseling sessions are absolutely, 100%, no doubt, simply BETTER: VBPs.




If you are someone who is highly efficient, highly productive, and highly booked, taking an extra hour or more out of your day just to commute back and forth from a therapy appointment (PLUS the hour at the practice) is simply not an option for you or a good use of your time.

Benefits of Online Counseling in Utah

The thought of therapy may appeal to you, you may know you need it, but simply struggle to find the time to do it. In this case, virtual therapy sessions are the answer you need.

There is no commute time. No chatty preamble with the receptionist. No waiting in a waiting room, drumming your fingers and thinking of all the extra work you could be doing if you were still at your desk.

Woman working on her laptop, representing a very busy person. Take the time to care for your mental health with online therapy in Utah. Whether you are in Provo, UT or Salt Lake City, UT you can get help living your best life with online counseling.

You simply schedule your session on a day and time that work for you, connect using the one-click link when you’re ready to join, have your session, and then get on with your day.

You will still have to take the time to schedule the session with your therapist. Which will take fifteen minutes or less, AND you get to schedule the day and time that works best for you to do that too.

So if you are a VBP (Very Busy Person), online therapy sessions may be the solution you haven’t had time to search for.

Begin Online Therapy in Utah

As a very busy person or VBP, it’s even more important to manage your time effectively. Taking care of your mental health does not have to take a back seat! We offer our online counseling services throughout the state of Utah for ease of access and convenience. Follow the steps below to get started on your self-care journey.

If you're ready to get started, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Reach out to us about scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation.

  2. Learn more about our counseling services and the members of our team.

  3. Get set up with a counselor who is right for you!

Additional Mental Health Services Offered at Inside Wellness in Utah